Communication Use Cases Object model Object Model Object model Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram

Dr. Quinlan has over 25 years of experience in building solutions for organizations. He holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Business Management from the University of Maryland, University College (Summa Cum Laude), a Masters of Science in Systems Management from the University of Southern California, and a Doctorate in Business Administration from Argosy University. He has acquired the TOGAF level 2 certification, teaches as an adjunct at some of the local colleges and is also fluent with the German language.

Dr. Quinlan began his career as an programmer/analyst for a consulting company in Germany after being honorably discharged from the U.S. Army. He subsequently moved to a staff position as a programmer/analyst for a large land management firm in Germany; focusing on replacing legacy mainframe systems with new client-server based technologies.

Upon a return to the United States he bacame a technical lead for a credit card processing company as a contractor. After completion of this contract, Dr Quinlan became an employee of a full service, self-clearing broker dealer that specialized in public finance and municipal bonds. During his tenure with he designed and oversaw the implementation of a custom integrated information system that supported all required back-office processing expected of a self-clearing firm as well as a front-end trading system. This included interfaces to the major clearing corporations, self-regulatory organizations, and the internal financial accounting system. His last major projects for this company before it was acquired by another firm included moving from an average costing model of asset valuation to specific identification and satisfying a regulatory requirement for industry wide real time trade matching.

Since then Dr. Quinlan has since held roles as Software Design Engineer, Consultant, Director of Architecture, and Enterprise Chief Architect. He remains active in hands on development and continues to seek new teaching engagements at some of the local colleges.

His focus is on improving process to deliver higher quality software faster.